MKR FOX 1200-board

MKR FOX 1200

End of Life

The MKR FOX 1200 is your entry point to start working with the European Sigfox networks. The board can easily be added to the Sigfox infrastructure. It also features very low power consumption, and is designed to run on batteries for a longer period of time.

The MKR FOX 1200 adds Sigfox connectivity to your projects. Using the popular Arm® Cortex®-M0 32-bit SAMD21 processor, it also features the Microchip® Smart RF ATA8520 for Sigfox connectivity. The board is part of the MKR family, where you can choose from a large variety of shields to build projects out of the box with minimal effort!
Cortex-M0 32-bit SAMD21

The powerful, low-power processor that is used in all MKR Family boards.

Microchip® Smart RF ATA8520

Fully integrated, single-chip RF transmitter with low power consumption.

World Map

SigFox covers most parts of Europe, South Africa, Japan and is being introduced in many more countries.


First Steps

Quickstart Guide
All you need to know to get started with your new Arduino board.

Suggested Libraries

The SigFox library allows you to use the ATMEL SigFox transceiver (ATAB8520E) on the Arduino MKR FOX 1200 board.
The ArduinoLowPower library allows you to use the low power features of the SAMD21 MCU to minimize power consumption and maximize battery duration.

Arduino Basics

Built-in Examples
Built-in Examples are sketches included in the Arduino IDE and demonstrate all basic Arduino commands.
Discover interesting articles, principles and techniques related to the Arduino ecosystem.
Language References
Arduino programming language can be divided in three main parts: functions, values (variables and constants), and structure.


Sigfox Event Trigger with MKR FOX 1200

Learn how to register a button press made on the MKR FOX 1200 in the Sigfox backend portal.

First Configuration with MKR FOX 1200

Learn how to configure the MKR FOX 1200 to work with the SigFox network.

First Configuration


Interactive Viewer

Interact with the schematics, the PCB and a 3D model of the product.

Pinout Diagram

A diagram showing the functions and the arrangement of the pins on your product.
