Mounting WisGate Edge PRO Gateway on a Pole

Tutorial for mounting the WisGate Edge Lo-Ra Gateway in an antenna Pole


This tutorial will show you how to mount your WisGate Edge gateway on an outdoors pole.


The goals of this article are:

  • Assembly the mechanical pieces on the device
  • Attach the device on your pole

Hardware & Software Needed


The mechanical pieces are included with the device, those will make the device fit on an outdoors pole firmly and safe.

  • 2 Clamps
  • 1 Bracket
  • 2 Antennas

Assembly the Bracket to the Enclosure

Turn the gateway, on the back it has four holes for screws, align those with the bracket and screw them.

The bar from the bracket should be closer the top, where the antennas are connected.

Clamps on the Pole

Take the bigger clamp and introduce one screw on the hole that fits better for your pole width, grab the smaller clamp and align it with the screw, after that you should take a nut and make it closer to the smaller clamp, repeat it with the other side, first just make sure everything is aligned and then fasten the nuts with a washer properly with a screwdriver.

The clamp is also suitable to be mounted using hose clamps (not included) you should then use the rectangular holes on the bigger clamp

Attaching the Bracket on the Clamps

Once both the bracket on the gateway and the clamps on the pole are properly fasten, it is time to attach the gateway to the pole. After it's attached fasten one M6*12 screw on each side.

As shown in the following video:

Coupling the Antennas

On the top side of the gateway fasten both N-Type fiberglass antennas.

Waterproof Sealing

The device is meant to be on the outside, so the it includes:

  • Vulcanising tape which will vulcanize with itself providing a single piece protection (the edges of the tape will seem almost joint into one like a thermo-retractable tubes, making the water harder to go inside that layer)
  • PVC tape to increase the sealing.

To make a proper waterproof sealing you should

  1. start with the PVC tape (around 50cm of tape) starting from the bottom of the connector surrounding fully the cable and connector, using this direction you will make the water slide better, as it does not have any resistance caused by the edge of each loop (it will if you do it from top to bottom)
  2. Repeat it in the same way adding one layer of vulcanising tape.

We recommend to use 2 layers (x1 PVC tape and x1 vulcanising tape, two times so x4 layers of tapes)

You should check your country's standards and law in order to follow the required procedures on telecommunication installations, in some cases the number of minimum needed layers could be bigger.

Do not forget of sealing the antennas connections using the same order of tape.

Check the bottom side hexagonal stoppers are properly fasten to avoid leaks

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