Running Wordpress and Database Containers on the Portenta X8

Learn how to run a database and Wordpress container on the Portenta X8


The Arduino Portenta X8 is a powerful board that has many features that can be easily utilized with the help of Docker containers. In this tutorial we will be using the Portenta X8 to host a webserver and run Wordpress using containers. This is a simple way to configure and run your own database server container and Wordpress page. We can then access the Wordpress site on the X8 through our web browser and begin setting it up.


  • Create the file to install docker containers
  • Install and run the containers
  • Connect to the Wordpress container running on the Portenta X8

Required Hardware and Software


First make sure your Portenta X8 is setup correctly by following the getting started tutorial.

Creating the Docker-compose.yml File

The Wordpress container we use is a multi-container application which also requires a database server container. The Wordpress multi-container application uses Apache as its web server, this is required to make the service work, which is already included in the container so it is nothing for us to worry about. We will be using mariadb as our database server container. This container can run on the Portenta X8's architecture. All we need to being installing these containers is to write a docker-compose.yml file. This file will contain information about what image we want to install and some important configuration information. Such as the username for the database, password, timezone and database name. The same goes for the Wordpress container, it will contain the password and username, we will also enter the database host name and which container it will use as the database. We recommend that you change the default passwords to more secure ones by replacing the default ones that are stated in the file below.

The Complete Docker-compose.yml File

In this section you can find the complete docker-compose.yml file that we will be using for this tutorial.

1version: "3.9"
4 db:
5 image: mariadb:latest
6 container_name: mariadb
7 environment:
8 - PUID=1000
9 - PGID=1000
11 - TZ=Europe/London
12 - MYSQL_DATABASE=Wordpress
13 - MYSQL_USER=Wordpress
14 - MYSQL_PASSWORD=Wordpress
15 volumes:
16 - db_data:/var/lib/mysql
17 restart: unless-stopped
19 Wordpress:
20 depends_on:
21 - db
22 image: Wordpress:latest
23 volumes:
24 - Wordpress_data:/var/www/html
25 ports:
26 - "8000:80"
27 restart: always
28 environment:
29 Wordpress_DB_HOST: db
30 Wordpress_DB_USER: Wordpress
31 Wordpress_DB_PASSWORD: Wordpress
32 Wordpress_DB_NAME: Wordpress
34 Wordpress_data: {}
35 db_data: {}

Now lets create a directory on our X8 and put this docker-compose.yml file on our device.

Installing The Containers

First we create a directory where we want put our docker-compose.yml file. Using the

command we will create a directory named "wordpress-test". Navigate into this directory with a simple
command. Either copy the docker-compose.yml file into this directory or create it directly here. To create the file we can use
cat > docker-compose.yml
, this will create the file so you can copy contents of the file from above and paste it. Hit enter once to go to a new line and press
ctrl C
to exit the file editor. To copy the file from your computer onto the device use:
adb push <path to docker-compose.yml file> /home/fio/wordpress-test

cd into correct directory
cd into correct directory

Before installing the containers, make sure that no other container is running on the ports that the Wordpress container will use. You can check what containers are running and what port they are using by running the

docker ps -a
command. This will show a list of the currently installed and running containers on the Portenta X8. To remove a container first stop it with
docker stop <container id>
, then you can run
docker rm <container id>
to remove it. If you want more information about handling containers on your Portenta X8, take a look at our managing containers with docker tutorial.

When you are in the correct directory and no other container is running on the ports that Wordpress will use, we can now run

docker compose up -d
. Using the
tag in the command will allow the running of these containers in the background. If you run the command without the
tag the application will exit when you close the terminal. When the command is executed it will start installing the Wordpress and mariadb containers. This can take a while. To get the output from the containers use:
docker-compose logs -f
. Once it is done we can connect to the device and site.

Containers install progress in the terminal
Containers install progress in the terminal

Connecting to the Wordpress Site

To connect to the Wordpress setup site we simply need to access it with our Portenta X8s unique id and port. So for example

, where you would substitute the
with your Portenta X8s unique id and the port chosen for the Wordpress container with
. The
can be found on the setup page that is showed in the Getting started tutorial, you can also see it in the terminal when running
. Or you can go to
if you use Windows and Linux, on MacOS use

When you connect you should get some feedback in the terminal. Text will begin printing in the terminal, showing you information about the connection that has just been established. Like shown in the image below.

Terminal printout during connection
Terminal printout during connection

Now you should see a webpage like on the next image in your browser.

Wordpress setup site
Wordpress setup site

You are now free to go through the Wordpress set up process and configure it however you like.


In this tutorial we went through how to install and run a Wordpress and database container on the Portenta X8. We then accessed the Wordpress site on our X8 through our web browser. So now you can setup your own Wordpress site on your X8 device and access it from another device.


  • If the containers aren't installing or running correctly check if there are any other containers currently running on the same ports as the ones used by the Wordpress container. You can check this with
    docker ps -a
  • If there is any issue running docker commands, make sure you are using
    before the commands.
  • If you can't connect to the site when everything is running you can double check the X8s ip address. Run the command
    ip s a
    in the adb shell. This will display the X8s ip address via usb and wifi. Try connecting via those ip addresses if all else fails.

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