Nano Every-board

Nano Every

The Nano Every is Arduino's smallest board with dimensions of only 45x18mm and a weight under 5gr. The small footprint and low price, make the Nano Every particularly suited for wearable inventions, low cost robotics and interactive projects requiring a small and easy to use microcontroller board.


The Arduino Nano Every is an evolution of the classic Arduino Nano sharing the same exact pinout but featuring the ATMega4809, a more powerful processor as well as 48KB of CPU Flash memory and a higher clock speed of 20 MHz.

ATMega4809 microcontroller

The ATMega4809 CPU features 50% more program memory than the classic Arduino UNO, allowing for larger programs.

Nano Form Factor
Tiny footprint

With a length of 45 mm and a width of 18 mm the Nano Every is Arduino's smallest board, weighing only 5 grams with attached headers and even less when configured without them.


First Steps

Quickstart Guide
All you need to know to get started with your new Arduino board.
Nano Hardware Design Guide
Learn how to create your own custom hardware that is compatible with the Arduino Nano Family.
Community Projects
Discover interesting projects from the community based on the Nano Every board.

Suggested Libraries

The Servo library allows an Arduino board to control RC (hobby) servo motors.
This library allows you to communicate with I2C / TWI devices.

Arduino Basics

Built-in Examples
Built-in Examples are sketches included in the Arduino IDE and demonstrate all basic Arduino commands.
Discover interesting articles, principles and techniques related to the Arduino ecosystem.
Language References
Arduino programming language can be divided in three main parts: functions, values (variables and constants), and structure.


Nano Every Community Projects

Discover interesting projects from the community based on the Nano Every board.

Connecting Two Nano Every Boards Through I2C

Learn how to send data from the Nano Every board to another board via I2C.

Communicating with Four Boards Through UART with Nano Every

Learn how to set up one Nano Every board to communicate four other boards using UART.

Connecting Two Nano Every Boards Through UART

Learn how to send data from a Nano Every board to another board via UART.



Interactive Viewer

Interact with the schematics, the PCB and a 3D model of the product.

Pinout Diagram

A diagram showing the functions and the arrangement of the pins on your product.
