Nano 33 BLE-board

Nano 33 BLE

The Arduino Nano 33 BLE shares its pinout with the classic Arduino Nano but builds on the nRF52840 microcontroller with 1MB CPU Flash Memory. Featuring a 9 axis inertial measurement unit and the possibility for Bluetooth® Low Energy connectivity it can help you to create your next Bluetooth® Low Energy enabled project.


The Arduino Nano 33 BLE is a great choice for any beginner, maker or professional to get started with Bluetooth® Low Energy enabled projects. It is build upon the nRF52840 microcontroller and runs on Arm® Mbed™ OS. The Nano 33 BLE not only features the possibility to connect via BLE but also comes equipped with a 9 axis IMU making it suitable for wearable projects.

u-blox NINA-B306

A powerful 2.4 GHz Bluetooth® 5 Low Energy module from u-blox, with an internal antenna.

IMU for Motion Detection

The LSM9DS1 inertial measurement unit features a 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer and allows you to detect orientation, motion or vibrations in your project.

Arm® Mbed™ OS

Running on Arm® Mbed™ OS the Nano 33 BLE builds upon the same operating system as the Arduino Portenta H7. This also allows for Arduino APIs to be integrated using APIs exposed directly by Mbed OS.

Python Support

This board can be programmed with the Python programming language via the OpenMV IDE.

Lauterbach TRACE32 debugger

This board is compatible with Lauterbach TRACE32 debugger, and a free license can be obtained using the boards serial number.


First Steps

Quickstart Guide
All you need to know to get started with your new Arduino board.
Nano Hardware Design Guide
Learn how to create your own custom hardware that is compatible with the Arduino Nano Family.

Suggested Libraries

The ArduinoBLE library is designed for Arduino boards that have hardware enabled for Bluetooth® Low Energy and Bluetooth® 4.0 and above.
The Arduino_LSM9DS1 library is designed to be used with the LSM9DS1 IMU module, which includes a 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis magnetometer.

Arduino Basics

Built-in Examples
Built-in Examples are sketches included in the Arduino IDE and demonstrate all basic Arduino commands.
Discover interesting articles, principles and techniques related to the Arduino ecosystem.
Language References
Arduino programming language can be divided in three main parts: functions, values (variables and constants), and structure.


Nano 33 BLE Python Guide

Discover how to access the features on the Nano 33 BLE using Python scripts.

Controlling RGB LED Through Bluetooth®

Learn how to control the built in RGB LED on the Nano 33 BLE board over Bluetooth®, using an app on your phone.

Bluetooth® Low Energy
Getting Started with OpenMV

In this tutorial, you will learn how to update the bootloader of your Nano 33 BLE (sense) board so that it may be used with OpenMV IDE, allowing to program it with MicroPython.

Connecting Two Nano 33 BLE Boards Through I2C

Learn how to send data from the Nano 33 BLE board to another board via I2C.

Accessing Accelerometer Data on Nano 33 BLE

Learn how to measure the relative position of the Nano 33 BLE through the LSM9DS1 IMU sensor.

Accessing Gyroscope Data on Nano 33 BLE

Learn how to measure the direction of force to emulate an object's crash using the Nano 33 BLE board.

Accessing Magnetometer Data on Nano 33 BLE

Learn how to detect disturbances in the magnetic field around an electronic device using the Nano 33 BLE board.

Lauterbach TRACE32 GDB Front-End Debugger for Nano 33 BLE

This tutorial will show you how to use the Lauterbach TRACE32 GDB front-end debugger to debug your Nano 33 BLE application via GDB on a serial interface.

Connecting Two Nano 33 BLE Boards Through UART

Learn how to send data from the Nano 33 BLE board to another board via UART.



Interactive Viewer

Interact with the schematics, the PCB and a 3D model of the product.

Pinout Diagram

A diagram showing the functions and the arrangement of the pins on your product.
